
Is massage for pain and stiffness a luxury? By Susan Bunce

Massage can be useful for relief from many of our daily aches and pains, but is it a luxury?

Massage is a fantastic treatment and is often under-rated in my personal opinion. Often seen as a treat or luxury to many people, it can bring more than just relaxation and improved sense of mood and wellbeing. Not to suggest that this alone is not a good enough reason to have it!

As an osteopath, I will often refer my clients to our massage team after a course of osteopathic treatment or in between osteopathic treatments to enable faster rehabilitation following injuries or to help maintain healthy muscle condition for chronic issues.

A lot of clients with degenerative conditions, will find that regular treatments helps improve their flexibility and with supplementary exercises, their strength too.

Sports people may find that pre and post event massage, lessens injury and speeds up recovery.
Sedentary workers, sitting for long periods over computers may find that treatment of the neck, upper back and shoulders helps alleviate symptoms of tension and strain.

At BOP we have a team of highly skilled massage therapists who offer a whole host of different types of massage. Any form of can be adapted to suit your individual requirements and needs.

As an osteopath, to keep me job-fit, I regularly see Wendy or Carla at BOP. I find it helps my general work-related aches and pains and also my chronic headaches. A great bonus of working alongside a fantastic team.

Click the following link to find out more about the treatments we offer and also more about the therapists.

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