
Diet and Arthritis by Broadwater Osteopaths, Worthing

Diet and Arthritis- how making changes to your diet Could help your joints too

It is true that no diet or dietary supplements can cure arthritis, but many people do find that their symptoms improve as a result of changing what they eat and with supplementation. There are so many combination diets around now that are helpful for some people and not for others, so it really is a case of try it and see. Make small changes and see if they help you or not. If they do, continue and adjust something else too, until you find what works for you.

Changing your diet and adding supplements, is by no means an alternative to medical treatment and this certainly is not what we are suggesting. It is also important to check with your doctor about any changes you plan to make, to ensure this works with any current medication and health care advice you have been given.

In balance the 2 most important things to consider first are, your weight and whether your current diet gives you all the vitamins and minerals that your body needs.

Keeping to an ideal weight and losing some excess weight will reduce strain on your joints and you may well find that as a result you need fewer painkillers.

good diet, which provides all your essential vitamins and minerals, will also give you the best chance your body has to work at its optimum and can help protect you against the side effects of medications.

Some forms of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, and some drugs used to treat them are linked to an increased risk of heart and circulatory issues. Several of the diet and lifestyle changes useful for arthritis are also helpful for the heart and circulation, including exercise and omega-3 fatty acids.

It is generally advised with arthritis that you should try and eat a balanced, varied diet, rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other essential nutrients. Sometimes a more Mediterranean diet, including fish, pulses, nuts, olive oil, and plenty of fruit and vegetables is suggested. Eating more omega-3 fatty acids, as found in the smaller oily fish, is also recommended.

The following link provides some further advice on what to eat with arthritis

At BOP, one of our osteopaths, Helen Mayors has a keen interest in nutrition and supplementation and the role of this in maintaining health, especially joint health. She has undergone extensive training in osteopathyapplied kinesiology and nutrition and is ideally placed to assess the physical needs of our patients and how supplementation and dietary changes may help. To book with Helen call 01903 820206.

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