
Acupuncture for Sciatica

Acupuncture is a natural painkiller.

There is more medical research about how and why acupuncture so successfully treats pain than any other condition. Numerous studies describe how acupuncture boosts your body’s production of natural painkillers, such as endorphins that are 200 times more potent than morphine. And many researchers agree acupuncture is just as effective as pharmaceutical drugs for treating pain.

Acupuncture gives lasting pain relief for sciatica

Using fMRI scans, researchers have found that when patients have traditional acupuncture the part of the brain associated long-term pain relief is activated. Traditional acupuncturists are trained to use needles to work with your body’s qi (pronounced chee), or vital energy. Other types of acupuncture – when a needle is inserted without affecting qi – do not activate the same area of the brain or achieve the same long lasting results. So to get the best pain relief for sciatica, check that your acupuncturist is fully trained in the complete system of traditional acupuncture.

Acupuncture can help regenerate nerves

Exciting new research has shown that acupuncture can help to heal damaged nerves. This is especially helpful for sciatica because one of its causes is damage to the sciatic nerve, which can become irritated by injuries, such a herniated disc in the lower back.

Acupuncture helps repair injured muscles

The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body. It starts at the pelvis, in the lower back, and travels through the deep muscles of the buttocks and legs to the feet. If these muscles get inflamed or spasm, they squash or pinch the nerve which results in pain, numbness and tingling. Traditional acupuncture has been shown to help promote faster recovery from injuries and to reduce muscle inflammation. Which is just what you need to treat sciatica.

Traditional acupuncture gets to the root of the problem

When you see a traditional acupuncturist for sciatica, they will ask you to describe in detail the route the pain takes from your lower back down your leg. Traditional acupuncture is a part of Chinese medicine which is based on balancing qi for good health. The way qi moves around the body has been mapped on pathways called meridians. The route your sciatic pain takes tells your traditional acupuncturist which meridians are affected and how to place the needles to help you. They will also take a full medical history to understand how your sciatica relates to your overall health and what caused the pain to start. Traditional acupuncture can help you to relax, improve your sleep, mood and energy levels, as well as relieve sciatic pain.

Acupuncture treatment for Sciatica in Worthing

If you suffer from sciatica, don’t just put up with it. At BOP we offer a host of therapies including acupuncture . We have 2 acupuncturists Rebecca and Caroline who both offer this treatment modality to help with back pain and sciatica.


[1] Acupuncture and endorphins.
[3] Harris, R.E., Zubieta, J.K.,Scott,D.J.,Napadow, V., Graceley, R.H. & Clauw, D.J. (2009). Traditional Chinese acupuncture and placebo (sham) acupuncture are differentiated by their effects on μ‐opioid receptors (MORs). NeuroImage, 47(3), 1077‐1085.
[4] Gh, He, Ruan Jw, Zeng Ys, X. Zhou, Y. Ding, and Zhou Gh. “Improvement in acupoint selection for acupuncture of nerves surrounding the injury site: electro-acupuncture with Governor vessel with local meridian acupoints.” Neural Regeneration Research 10, no. 1 (2015): 128.
[5] Effects of acupuncture stimulation on recovery ability of male elite basketball athletes
[6] Anti-inflammatory actions of acupuncture

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